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How to connect your online store to Headshop Drop (Step-by-step Guide)

Before you start

We recommend updating to the latest version of website builder you are currently using prior to following the instruction below.



1. Open a browser from your PC and go to

2. Once you are redirected to the page, you will be able to see the login form on the right as well as the signup form that is linked to the button below. Click the icon.

3. You need to fill in the form and submit to finish your registration process.

headshopdrop registration page

4. If you are logged in for the first time and have not linked your store(s) to the HeadshopDrop, You will have an option to choose which store you would like to connect. Choose "Add new WooCommerce Store"

headshopdrop link page


Connecting WooCommerce store

1. If you choose "Add new WooCommerce Store", you will need to fill in your store domain, consumer key as well as the consumer secret.

WooCommerce Link page


2. Go to your WordPress dashboard and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advance > REST API

4. Fill the form and click Generate API key.

a) Description: The purpose of this API key. ( For example : Headshop Drop App)

b) User: your account

c) Permissions: Make sure to choose Read/Write as the list of items will automatically upload to the HeadshopDrop.

d) Click Generate API Key

Generated Consumer Key & Consumer secret as below

5. Once you have all the codes required, go back to HeadshopDrop and Copy and paste consumer key & secret. Then Click Connect button.

Important Notice:

"http(s):// " is required prior to your domain.
Ex) http(s):// (Correct) (Wrong)

7. Done.

8. Login to the app by clicking the green login button on the landing page.

** If you need more detailed instruction on how to get API key from your WooCommerce store. Visit


Welcome to the HeadshopDrop where you can browse, purchase, and grow your business all together at once.

Your store is now connected to the HeadshopDrop and ready to run your headshop business. 


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