*We ship by Canada Post, Canpar, Purolator, and Fedex. Delivery may take longer than expected during Covid-19 Pandemic due to high volume package to process.*
Onewholesale warehouse is operating as normal. If you order by 12:00 PM(EST, Mon.-Fri.) your order will ship the same day. Over 99% of orders ship complete (no backorders!) the same day the order is placed.
Important Update regarding Canada Post delivery delay.
These are unprecedented times for Canada Post as they are experiencing extremely high parcel volumes while ensuring they follow the important safety measures they have implemented in their processing facilities.
Processing delays are due to higher volumes and they focus on ensuring their employees are working safely, including physical distancing measures, while responding to some short-term staffing challenges. They are experiencing many delays of about 5 days or more in the processing of packages.
Please be patient and all the packages will be delivered in a timely manner.
Thank you for your ongoing support and loyalty.
Kind regards,
One Trading Ltd
(DBA Onewholesale.ca)