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  • Accessories for Better Cones
    August 25, 2022

    Accessories for Better Cones

    Cone Loaders and Fillers 1. RAW Cone Filler - $6.00 CAD Tired of sitting with a straw endlessly packing cones full?  Now you can fill your cone 10x faster and more precisely with our RAW Cone Filler.  Fill the trough,...

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  • How Cannabinoids Can Make You Feel Healthier and Happier
    July 26, 2022

    How Cannabinoids Can Make You Feel Healthier and Happier

    As more and more countries are legalizing marijuana and other cannabis products, smokers are being attracted to the variety of benefits it . These include, but are not limited to, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – two compounds found in the cannabis plant.
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  • Sativa vs. Indica: What’s the Difference?
    March 20, 2022

    Sativa vs. Indica: What’s the Difference?

    Smoking marijuana can be an extremely therapeutic experience, but knowing what type of cannabis, you’re going to need and for what particular purpose, is also very important. Although some experts call-out on the differences between sativa and indica as being irrelevant, this article will help you understand why they are mistaken.
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  • A Stoner’s Guide to Sanitization
    February 25, 2022

    A Stoner’s Guide to Sanitization

    Smoking cannabis and bongs can be a very restful and soothing experience after a long tiring day. As comforting as it is, it can also prove to be very risky. As COVID-19 continues to spread despite the vaccinations, you should consider disinfecting items and sanitizing yourself in order to fight the virus. And of course, in these trying times, you can’t leave your smoke buddies behind.
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  • marijuana herb benefit
    April 25, 2019

    Marijuana Health Benefits: Why the Herb is Healthy?

    Today, there are millions of individuals the world over who smoke marijuana for either recreational or medicinal purposes. Unlike back in the day, people now understand the benefits of marijuana and the same have been proven scientifically.

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  • Clean Glass Bong
    February 20, 2019

    How To Clean A Glass Bong

    According to estimates, 17% of the worldwide population will be avid smokers of tobacco by 2030. With the smoking culture in full swing, it’s rare to find people who are unaware of bongs or water pipes.

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  • Marijuana myth Busted
    February 20, 2019

    Marijuana Myths: 5 Ridiculous Myths about Marijuana Busted!

    We know more about Marijuana today in the West scientifically speaking than we ever did before. Among the many things we know now; some include the fact that marijuana has medical benefits, it is safer than alcohol recreationally and that prohibition was a bad idea to begin with!

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  • smoking drinking cannabis marijuana jane
    February 20, 2019

    Smoking Vs Drinking: 5 Things That Make Mary Jane Safer!

    With the legalization of marijuana in Canada and in the U.S., there has been increased awareness about how the herb works and what it’s about. Propaganda spread during the time following good old Regan’s “War on Drugs” though laughable quickly spread and was believed by countless individuals on both sides of the border.

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